Solar panel decommissioning is the process of removing solar panels from a site when they no longer meet the standards and regulations for operation. Solar panel decommissioning best practices are important because, if not done correctly, it can result in environmental damage and negatively impact your reputation as a responsible business owner.

Understand the cause of decommissioning

While it’s important to understand the reasons behind solar decommissioning, you also need to know how to go about doing it. There are several factors that should be considered before beginning the process of decommissioning solar panels, including:

  • The type of panel (monocrystalline or polycrystalline)
  • The age and condition of the system

If you have a working knowledge of these things, then there are several steps that can help ensure your solar panel is properly dismantled when it’s time comes.

Review decommissioning requirements

Before beginning the decommissioning process, you’ll want to make sure that you’re in compliance with all local regulations. In most cases, these include:

  • Checking with your utility company to see if they require notification of a solar panel removal or replacement.
  • Reviewing local building codes and permits requirements for removing or replacing existing solar panels.
  • If possible, schedule a visit from an inspector from your local fire department (or another agency) who can certify that all required electrical work has been completed before dismantling begins in earnest.

Conduct an inventory of solar panels

To conduct an inventory of solar panels, you’ll need to determine if they are decommissioned or still in use. This can be done by looking at the production data from your energy management system (EMS), which will show you how much electricity each panel produces over time. If a panel has not produced any electricity for more than 6 months, then it should be considered decommissioned.

If you don’t have access to this information or would prefer not to rely on it, there are other ways that can help determine whether or not a given panel is still producing power:

  • Visually inspect each solar module for signs of damage such as broken glass or cracked frames; these would indicate that repairs were made after installation but before putting them into service
  • Check whether any electrical connections are loose or disconnected; if so then there may have been some maintenance work done since installation

Check whether any of the small metal tabs at the top or bottom of each module are bent; if so then they may have been exposed to high winds (which can damage solar panels)

Remove or isolate the solar panels from the grid

Removing or isolating the solar panels from the grid is an important step in decommissioning them. This can be done by disconnecting them from their inverters and mounting structures, which may be necessary for removal of those components.

If you are planning to reuse your old solar panels, it is important that you ensure they are not connected to any other electrical systems before moving them or disposing of them.

Salvage any valuable parts or components from the panels

Solar panels are expensive, so it’s tempting to just throw them away. But you should never do that–they contain valuable materials that can be reused or repurposed.

  • Don’t recycle your solar panels. While some states have recycling programs for solar panels, they’re not very common and often require the panels be sent in separately from other household trash (and they still may not accept them). If you’re concerned with environmental impact, keeping these materials out of landfills is better than sending them off to be turned into new products.
  • Don’t sell your decommissioned panels on Craigslist or eBay–it’s illegal! And even if it wasn’t illegal, there aren’t many people who would want old solar panels lying around their homes anyway; most people are looking for something newer and shinier than an old piece of hardware.

Disconnect and remove batteries used to support the solar system

If you are decommissioning a solar panel system, there are several steps you should take to ensure that your batteries are not damaged. First and foremost, disconnect the batteries from the solar panels. Then remove them from their mounts if necessary and place them in an area where they can be easily accessed for removal. Any remaining batteries not connected to a solar panel should also be disconnected from their mounts and removed from the premises as soon as possible; check with local laws regarding battery disposal before doing so.

Decommission with a professional company

When it comes to decommissioning solar panels, it’s best to contact a solar panel decommissioning company. A professional company will have the tools and knowledge needed to safely remove your solar panels while minimizing their impact on the environment.

If you are considering using a professional company, there are several things that you should look for in order for them to be considered reputable:

  • They should have experience with decommissioning solar panels from different types of systems (roof-mounted vs ground-mounted).
  • They should have access to all necessary equipment (i.e., ladder).
  • They must be insured against any damages caused during this process so that if anything happens during removal or transportation, you won’t be liable for any losses incurred by yourself or others involved in this process such as neighbors who may suffer property damage due to fallen debris from removing old panels from rooftops nearby them!

The best way to decommission a solar panel is by following proper procedures

When you are decommissioning solar panels, it is important to follow proper procedures. These steps protect the environment and reduce the risk of injury. In addition, complying with regulations will help ensure your company’s compliance with local, state and federal laws.


Decommissioning solar panels is an important process that can help prevent damage to the environment, as well as save money on energy bills. In order to ensure that your solar panels are decommissioned correctly and safely, it’s important that you follow these best practices.